This is a progressive sale promo which means with the same amount reward points you spend you will get more items & more skill points for the next 7 deals in the next 7 days. At least that is what Zynga trying to offer :)
If you buy all 7 deals at 45 reward points each, you will be needing 315 reward points in total. You will get a total of 28 items which also grant you +35 skill points. If you do some calculations, it will come down to around 11 reward points per item or 9 reward points per skill point. This "might" be a good deal for someone who tries to get items to strengthen his mafia and gets skill points at the same time. However, as we know it... items in mafia wars are quite fast outdated and there are many other ways to get free items with similar or sometimes better stats that these. So, for me this is not quite as a good deal as zynga is trying to get us thinking.
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