Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5x Mastery Los Angeles - Sock It To me

Wow... still no big events yet after almost 2 weeks since the release of japan district 6 and 7.
And to fill the emptiness they decided to throw a 5x Mastery event for Los Angeles.

I heard some people decided to hold their progress at silver tier mastery on all the districts in the Los Angeles city. Would this 5x Mastery change their minds? I would probably do the same and do all the districts up to silver, then farm the consumables. Yeah... I am one of those people who hasn't done much jobs in Los Angeles. I am not even done completing the first district, so hopefully with this 5x Mastery event I can advance a bit to district 3 or 4. Why not go all the way to district 10 you may ask. Well I certainly hope I could do that but my main concern is raiding the assets, because it needs a lot of consumables, a lot of stamina and requires waiting time for each raid. As the event is running only for about 5 days, hopefully I can complete as many districts as possible.

Oh yeah, exclusively for this event we will be getting a special loot drop of an armor item called Sock It To Me with 298 attack and 281 defense. Pretty mediocre item that most of us would find it useless and not going to help increase our mafia attack or defense. The item is as shown on the right.

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